Become a ROES organiser

At Robotics European Society, our basic philosophy is to welcome all countries interested in joining our global community. New national organizers get a one year membership that can be converted into a membership for multipe years after a successful season.


What we ask of a potential national organizer is that they:

  • are (linked to) a known and reputable institution in the country.
  • are ready to fund and organize the national ROES competition.
  • guarantee a minimum of 20 teams in year one to be approved.
  • have growth ambitions and budget to finance growth.
  • have experience with robots in education and/or organizing of competitions/events with children and young people.
  • can ensure easy access to robot materials and service parts for teams.
  • accept timely payment of the ROES membership fee.

The ROES program can be easily adapted to the situation in your country.
If you are interested in becoming a national organizer and joining our global community please fill and submit the following form.

We would love to tell you more about the opportunities and requirements!